Film in concorso edizione 2023

A Trivial Thing!

A Trivial Thing!

Sinossi (in italiano): Ardalan, un giovane leggermente sordo, lavora in un cinema come custode e operatore. Il suo desiderio è recitare in un film e guardarsi sul grande schermo.
Director (name and surname): Seyed Morteza Sabzeghaba
Screenwriter (name and surname) : Seyed Morteza Sabzeghaba
Scenography (name and surname) : Seyed Morteza Sabzeghaba
Cinematography (name and surname) : Seyed Morteza Sabzeghaba
Editing (name and surname) : Seyed Morteza Sabzeghaba
Production: July 1, 2018
Year: July 1, 2018
Country: Iran
Duration: 12 Minutes. 23 Seconds
Film genre: Melodrama




La natura si basa sull’equilibrio. Qualsiasi influenza che lo interromperebbe ne sconvolgerebbe l’equilibrio. Il pittore ne vuole fare un quadro.

Director: Ali Rojhat Karaoğul

Screenwriter: Ali Rojhat Karaoğul

Scenography: Ali Rojhat Karaoğul

Cinematography: Mehmet Ali Arslan
Editing: Ali Rojhat Karaoğul
Production: Ali Rojhat Karaoğul
Year: 2022
Country: Turkey
Duration: 2 min, 48 sec


Gocce di rugiada

Drops of dew

In una estate torrida, in cui l’acqua è razionata, a Emma viene regalata una piantina di limone. Una piccola sfida, riuscire a dissetare la sua pianta, che le darà lo spunto, da grande, per ideare un sistema naturale e innovativo di riutilizzo dell’acqua.
In a scorching summer, when water is rationed, Emma is given a lemon plant as a gift. A small challenge, being able to quench the thirst of her plant, which will give her the inspiration, when she grows up, to devise a natural and innovative system for reusing water.

Director: Gianpaolo Gelati & Alessandro Melchionda
Screenwriter: Desiderio Puleo
Cinematography: Andrea Turri
Editing: Stefano Amabili
Production: Brand Gnu Srl
Year: 2023; Country: Italia; Duration: 15 min
Film genre: Drama

Mano Seca

Mano Seca

Synopsis: Life rises from earth. Curiosity leads to ruin. Powers dissipate, forced away. Silhouette buried, reborn spirit.

Sinossi: La vita sorge dalla terra. La curiosità porta alla rovina. I poteri si dissipano, vengono allontanati. Silhouette sepolta, spirito rinato.
Director: Isis Catrin
Screenwriter: Isis Catrin
Cinematography: Felipe Huenchuñir
Editing: Isis Catrin
Production: Isis Catrin
Year: 2022
Country: Chile
Duration: 7 min, 32 sec



Gambit illustrates how things go awry in a peaceful village with the sudden death of a pigeon. As the people turn crueler, the pixels grow coarser.
Director (name and surname): Naime Pakniyat Screenwriter (name and surname) : Naime Pakniyat Scenography (name and surname) : Naime Pakniyat Cinematography (name and surname) : Naime Pakniyat Editing (name and surname) : Naime Pakniyat Production: 2022
Year: 2022
Country: Iran
Duration: 00:03:11
Film genre: War


Infinity According to Florian

Infinity According to Florian

Questo è un film su un’improbabile vittoria dell’immaginazione artistica contro il potere brutale del grande denaro. Si tratta di un documentario socialmente impegnato realizzato durante i tempi di radicali trasformazioni della vita urbana.

Paesi di produzione Ucraina –  Stati Uniti
Anno di produzione Gennaio 2022
Lunghezza 70′
Tipo di pellicola Documentario creativo
Lingue Ucraino, Russo

La vie en kit

La vie en kit

Synopsys (short):
50 years after the realization of their utopias, three old architects take the director with them to discover unusual housing. A joyful journey through time from which emerges a crucial question: and us, how will we live tomorrow?

Sinossi (breve):
50 anni dopo la realizzazione delle loro utopie, tre vecchi architetti portano con sé il regista alla scoperta di abitazioni insolite. Un gioioso viaggio nel tempo da cui emerge una domanda cruciale: e noi, come vivremo domani?
Director (name and surname): Elodie Degavre
Screenwriter (name and surname): Elodie Degavre
Scenography (name and surname): Elodie Degavre
Cinematography (name and surname): Colin Lévêque, Juan Sepulchre
Editing (name and surname): Cédric Zoenen, Ayrton Heymans
Production: Playtime Films Year: 2022 Country: Belgium
Duration: 69′ Film genre: documentary

Max Holzheu

Max Holzheu

A retired architect tells his tender story of how he began his great passion for architecture and his journey to become an important exponent of brutalist architecture in Guatemala.
Un architetto in pensione racconta la sua tenera storia di come ha iniziato la sua grande passione per l’architettura e il suo viaggio per diventare un importante esponente dell’architettura brutalista in Guatemala.
Production Company: UFM Film School | UFM Studios Universidad Francisco Marroquín
Cast: Max Holzheu, Julián Castillo
Executive Producers: Ricardo Castillo A. Robert Quevedo Stephanie Falla
Producer: Esteban Cardona
Director: Carlos Luxo
Cinematography: Romeo López Aldana
Sound Director: Sophia Rossell
Art Director: Sofía Ochoa
Editor: Gabriela Flores
Genre: Documentary
Duration: 11 min
Country: Guatemala, Central america

Memories of the Berlin Room

Memories of the Berlin Room

An autobiographical narrator leads the viewer on a cinematic journey through time to the center of West Berlin in the 70s and 80s. This excursion during the East-West conflict begins with the vanished world of a Berlin backyard. From there, the view wanders to three exposed buildings in West Berlin, which have experienced both their downfall and their resurrection
Un narratore autobiografico conduce lo spettatore in un viaggio cinematografico nel tempo nel centro di Berlino Ovest negli anni ’70 e ’80. Questa escursione durante il conflitto Est-Ovest inizia con il mondo scomparso di un cortile di Berlino. Da lì lo sguardo spazia su tre edifici esposti a Berlino Ovest, che hanno vissuto sia la loro caduta che la loro resurrezione
Director (name and surname): Jörn Staeger
Screenwriter (name and surname) :Jörn Staeger
Scenography (name and surname) :Jörn Staeger
Cinematography (name and surname) :Jörn Staeger
Editing (name and surname) :Jörn Staeger
Production:  STAEGER-Film Year:  2021
Country: Germany Duration:  9min 43sec
Film genre: feature



Director: Katherine Knight and Anthony Von Seck
Cinematography: John Price and Anthony Von Seck
Editing: ANthony Von Seck
Production: KOOP Studio
Year: 2023 Country: Canada
Duration: 9’12” Film genre: Short Documentary
An ethereal experience of light and weather unfolds within a temporary snow structure built on the frozen Nestaweya River Trail in Winnipeg Manitoba. Invited by 2023 Warming Huts: An Arts + Architecture Competition on Ice, artist Wanda Koop, designer Thom Fougere and a team of snow experts build a contemporary snow fort that functions as an experiential work of land art. Light and sound reflect and reverberate within a polar vortex at the geographical center of North America.
Un’esperienza eterea di luce e tempo si svolge all’interno di una struttura di neve temporanea costruita sul Nestaweya River Trail ghiacciato a Winnipeg Manitoba. Invitati da 2023 Warming Huts: An Arts + Architecture Competition on Ice, l’artista Wanda Koop, il designer Thom Fougere e un team di esperti di neve costruiscono un forte di neve contemporaneo che funziona come un’opera esperienziale di land art. Luce e suono si riflettono e riverberano all’interno di un vortice polare nel centro geografico del Nord America.



Raphaëlle is a young pianist facing a legitimacy crisis. She decides to escape for a summer by agreeing to take care of an old isolated house. Also commissioned to look after her owner, Arthur, a not very talkative forty-year-old, she faces a rather unexpected cohabitation.
Raphaëlle è una giovane pianista alle prese con una crisi di legittimità. Decide di fuggire per un’estate accettando di prendersi cura di una vecchia casa isolata. Incaricata anche di accudire il suo padrone, Arthur, un quarantenne poco loquace, si trova ad affrontare una convivenza piuttosto inaspettata.
Director (name and surname): Eléonore Aguillon
Screenwriter (name and surname) : Eléonore Aguillon
Scenography (name and surname) : Camille Pollet
Cinematography (name and surname) : Solène Large
Editing (name and surname) : Raphaëlle Chovin
Production: Eléonore Aguillon Year: 2022
Country: France Duration: 15:00 Film genre: Musical



Sinossi: La storia del film ruota attorno a un artista che non crede nella sua arte e nelle sue idee generali, mentre altri sfruttano queste opportunità per i propri obiettivi personali.
Director Oday: abdul kahdim
Screenwriter: Ali abdul Zahra
Scenography: Oday abdul kahdim
Cinematography: Oday abdul kahdim
Editing: Oday abdul kahdim
Production: Remas Animation Studio
Year: 2022
Country: Iraq
Duration: 00:05:00
Film genre: 3d animation

Stalking Chernobyl

Stalking Chernobyl

Synopsis: Stalking Chernobyl, a documentary from Cultures of Resistance Films, will examine the underground culture of the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone in Ukraine. Three decades after the world’s most infamous nuclear disaster, wildlife has returned in the absence of human settlements. Meanwhile, illegal hiking adventurers known as “stalkers,” extreme sports aficionados, artists, and tour companies have begun to explore anew the ghostly, post-apocalyptic landscape.
Sinossi: Stalking Chernobyl, un documentario di Cultures of Resistance Films, esaminerà la cultura underground della zona di esclusione di Chernobyl in Ucraina. Tre decenni dopo il più famigerato disastro nucleare del mondo, la fauna selvatica è tornata in assenza di insediamenti umani. Nel frattempo, gli avventurieri escursionistici illegali conosciuti come “stalker”, gli appassionati di sport estremi, gli artisti e le compagnie di tour hanno iniziato a esplorare di nuovo il paesaggio spettrale e post-apocalittico.

Director: Iara Lee
Editing: Dimo Petkov
Production: Caipirinha Productions
Year: 2020
Country: Ukraine/USA/Brazil/Bulgaria
Duration: 59m
Film genre: Documentary

The Bond of the Craft

The Bond of the Craft

synopsis: We accompanied DROM (Jamaira and Santiago) who brought together a team of visual artists to deliver work under adverse conditions in São Paulo where the theme of the mural became reality within the language and redefined the mural, in addition to demystifying the creation of art urban area of this magnitude.

Sinossi: Abbiamo accompagnato DROM (Jamaira e Santiago) che ha riunito un team di artisti visivi per realizzare un lavoro in condizioni avverse a San Paolo, dove il tema del murale è diventato realtà all’interno del linguaggio e ha ridefinito il murale, oltre a demistificare la creazione di una zona d’arte urbana di questa portata.

Director (name and surname): Daniel Torres and Roberto Mamfrim
Screenwriter (name and surname) : Daniel Torres e Roberto Mamfrim
Scenography (name and surname) : Jamaira Pacheco
Cinematography (name and surname) : Roberto Mamfrim e Yu Breno
Editing (name and surname) : Marco Antônio Pereira
Production: Malcon Hebert
Year: 2023
Country: Brazil
Duration: 14’19”
Film genre: Documentary

The Naples of Future - Lamont Young's Dream

The Naples of Future - Lamont Young's Dream

Synopsis: The life, works and mysterious death of the English architect Lamont Young, who lived in Naples between the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, author of numerous spectacular buildings, such as some castles and the first subway project that would transform Naples into an international capital, with a futuristic project focused on sustainability, urban greenery and tourism development.

Sinossi: La vita, le opere e la misteriosa morte dell’architetto inglese Lamont Young, vissuto a Napoli tra la fine dell’Ottocento e l’inizio del Novecento, autore di numerose costruzioni spettacolari, come alcuni castelli e il primo progetto della metropolitana che avrebbe trasformare Napoli in una capitale internazionale, con un progetto avveniristico incentrato su sostenibilità, verde urbano e sviluppo turistico.

Director (name and surname): Francesco Carignani
Screenwriter (name and surname) : Francesco Carignani
Cinematography (name and surname) : Luigi Scaglione
Editing (name and surname) : Luigi Scaglione
Production: Fucina Umanistica Digitale
Year: 2023  Country: Italy  Duration: 50′
Film genre: art; architecture; biographical

The Old, The New and The Other

The Old, The New and The Other

Synopsis: A stranger arrives in a town called Mipo: here, urban development is accelerating the gentrification of that old fishing village located on the edge of Haeundae beach, in Busan city, South Korea.

Sinossi: Uno straniero arriva in una città chiamata Mipo: qui lo sviluppo urbano sta accelerando la gentrificazione di quell’antico villaggio di pescatori situato ai margini della spiaggia di Haeundae, nella città di Busan, in Corea del Sud.

Director (name and surname): Sébastien SIMON
Screenwriter (name and surname) : Sébastien SIMON
Cinematography (name and surname) : Alaric HAMACHER
Editing (name and surname) : Sébastien SIMON
Production: Minchol CHA Year: 2022 Country: South Korea
Duration: 15 minutes Film genre: docu-fiction

There is my home

There is my home

Director (name and surname): Sophie Réthoré
Screenwriter (name and surname) : Sophie Réthoré
Scenography (name and surname) : Sophie Réthoré
Cinematography (name and surname) : Sophie Réthoré
Editing (name and surname) : Yannick Coutheron
Production: Kaméléon Production
Year: 2021 Country: France Duration: 67 mn
Film genre: Documentary

Synopsis: Tom has just turned 70 years old. His home is his van. He’s travelling around Europe to conduct workshops and help people who have decided to build their own houses by themselves with bales and mud. I’m travelling with him. As we are on the road, i Wonder about his way of living in the world and what is the real meaning of “feeling at home”.

Sinossi: Tom ha appena compiuto 70 anni. La sua casa è il suo furgone. Sta viaggiando per l’Europa per condurre laboratori e aiutare le persone che hanno deciso di costruire la propria casa da soli con balle e fango. Sto viaggiando con lui. Mentre siamo in viaggio, mi chiedo quale sia il suo modo di vivere nel mondo e quale sia il vero significato di “sentirsi a casa”.

Tsim Sha Tsui Station

Tsim Sha Tsui Station

Synopsis: A little girl accidentally falls into a cold and abandoned world while waiting on the subway platform, and is led by a mysterious cat into the tunnels.

Sinossi: Una bambina cade accidentalmente in un mondo freddo e abbandonato mentre aspetta sulla banchina della metropolitana, e viene condotta da un misterioso gatto nei tunnel.

Director (name and surname): Neil Law / Neil Jeuss (preferred name)
Screenwriter (name and surname) : Neil Law / Neil Jeuss
Editing (name and surname) : Neil Law / Neil Jeuss
Year: 2023 Country: United Kingdom Duration: 00:03:09
Film genre: Horror/thriller/science fiction/animation

Visual Constructs

Visual Constructs

Synopsis: In 2019, inspired by the architectonical current called ‘brutalism’, I painted 30 medium format oil artworks. Since its beginning I thought about the idea to take raw format photos with my semiprofessional camera, in order to process them afterwards on photoshop and upload them to produce a shortcut. Such idea is the result of this experimental video.

Sinossi: Nel 2019, ispirandomi alla corrente architettonica chiamata “brutalismo”, ho dipinto 30 opere ad olio di medio formato. Fin dall’inizio ho pensato all’idea di scattare foto in formato raw con la mia macchina fotografica semiprofessionale, per poi elaborarle su Photoshop e caricarle per produrre una scorciatoia. Da tale idea è risultato questo video sperimentale.

Director (name and surname): ojolo / abel garcía jiménez
Screenwriter (name and surname) : ojolo / abel garcía jiménez
Scenography (name and surname) : ojolo / abel garcía jiménez
Cinematography (name and surname) : ojolo / abel garcía jiménez
Editing (name and surname) : ojolo / abel garcía jiménez
Production: ojolo / abel garcía jiménez
Year: 2022 Country: mexico Duration: 3′ 33″ [3 min 33 sec]
Film genre: animation / experimental

Who Ate The Bird

Who Ate The Bird

Synopsis: Cat is trying to fall asleep on the busy street

Sinossi: Un gatto prova ad addormentarsi in una strada affollata
Director: Sasha TSE
Screenwriter: Sasha TSE
Artist: Tigran Kostan
Music: Luktpion
Editing: Sasha TSE
Production: ZINKZINE
Year: 2022
Country: Russia
Duration: 3:12
Film genre: Animation

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